Wednesday, July 26, 2017

D365 for Ops – Management Reporter ‘Generator’ Security Role

This MR security role is inherited via the assignment of ‘Accountant’, ‘CFO’ and ‘CEO’ security roles in D365.  The assigned D365 security Duty is ‘Generate financial reports’ and includes these privileges and menu items.

Not explicitly reflected in these security settings in D365 is that in MR, these settings allow the Generator user to update and save certain report parameters BUT those parameters are saved under a user-specific generation parameters for the report and do not alter parameters in the default report.  This is good in that the Generator user can edit parameters without affecting the default report but could be bad in that two users running the same report might get different results. 

The parameters that can be changed and saved by a Generator user are indicated in the red boxes.

However, the only Save option available to the Generator user is ‘Save My Report Overrides’ which saves User-specific generation parameters for the report.

The risk in assigning Generator rights to multiple users is the potential for different versions of the same report which reflect different financial results.  This risk might be outweighed by the need for certain users to generate their reports on demand.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Beware the Penny Difference

If you're using Project Management & Accounting and Accounts Receivable in AX (D365 for Ops) and you have a Maximum penny difference and Maximum over/underpayment value set here in A/R Parameters>>Settlement -

Any Project invoice for an amount less than or equal to the Maximum over/under payment tolerance will transfer automatically to the general ledger account you have specified here -

When you post the Project invoice, it will post and offer this message -

And here are the journal vouchers created upon posting, indicating the write off from A/R account to the Rounding account.

Strange but true!